☆ Literature Favourites ☆

Ten Books I Really Love

TItles (Last Updated: August 22, 2024)
1. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia (Deleuze + Guattari)
2. Pale Fire (Nabokov)
3. Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
4. Ficciones (Borges)
5. Film as a Subversive Art (Vogel)
6. Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence (Bantock)
7. Invisible Cities (Calvino)
8. S, M, L, XL (Koolhaas)
9. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (Foucault)
10. The Gay Science (Nietzsche)
11. The Society of the Spectacle (Debord)
12. Preliminary Materials for a Balance Sheet of the 20th Century (Various Authors)
13. Sculpting in Time (Tarkovsky)
14. The Divine Comedy (Dante)
15. Postscript on the Societies of Control (Deleuze)
16. Das Kapital Vol. 1 (Marx)